The leading business conference

The On- and Offline Classroom for Business Leaders

"The conference was organised well, on time, and ran smoothly. The round table format was particularly great, allowing for in-depth discussion. The Think Tank is a great post-conference tool to re-watch videos and get presentations."

Daphne Coates

Technology Consultant Watson IoT and Industry 4.0


"The blend of case-study presentations and roundtable conversations allowed like-minded people and industry peers to explore the #DigitalFuture and #WorkplaceTrends."

Roxana Liliana Coman

IT Communications & Digital Enablement Manager


"It was a pleasure to deliver the Keynote. A key highlight was the round table discussion that brought in different points of view and spurted ideas. Insightful interaction."

Satesh Kumar

Senior Program Manager & Analytics Lead Conversational AI

E.ON Digital Technology

How It Works

Like-minded peers show their latest developments, successes and failures in case study presentations
Get access easily to all speakers and delegates through Q&A sessions and hands-on workshops
Network face-to face as well as engage in the online Think Tank


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Why attend?

Curating an electrifying roster of speakers hailing from the forefront of Europe's leading companies and industries which are using AI successfully, already
Experts from the biggest European companies showcasing their analytics and AI best practices and success stories
Find innovative business partners for future projects


First day of conference



Introduction by the Organizer and Welcome to the Moderator of the Conference

Giuseppe Lenci

Business Intelligence Tech Lead
Van Oord
The Netherlands


Scaling Predictive Analytics: Strategic Insights

Nick Brown

Executive Head of Safety Sciences Imaging and Data Analytics R&D
United Kingdom


Confronting AI's Ethical Dilemmas

Frank Ferro

Director Insights
The Netherlands


Kevin Heinloth

Senior Digital Consultant

Does it Work with AI?

Alina Stahl

Head of Contract Management
Vitesco Technologies


Coffee Break with Networking


Generative AI: What We Can’t Do!

Firas Ben Hassan

Deputy Head of Data Science Services
Allianz Technology


The Era of Unified Intelligence - BI meets AI

Giuseppe Lenci

Business Intelligence Tech Lead
Van Oord
The Netherlands


Impact of Data on Future C-Level Management: Accelerating Ahead

Allan Andersen Christensen

Group Vice President: Data, Analytics and AI
DEAS Group


Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Scaling Predictive Analytics: Strategic Insights

    Nick Brown (AstraZeneca)
  2. Confronting AI's Ethical Dilemmas

    Frank Ferro (PostNL)
  3. Does it Work with AI?

    Kevin Heinloth (blu BEYOND)
    Alina Stahl (Vitesco Technologies)
  4. Generative AI: What We Can’t Do!

    Firas Ben Hassan (Allianz Technology)
  5. The Era of Unified Intelligence - BI meets AI

    Giuseppe Lenci (Van Oord)
  6. Impact of Data on Future C-Level Management: Accelerating Ahead

    Allan Andersen Christensen (DEAS Group)

Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Scaling Predictive Analytics: Strategic Insights

    Nick Brown (AstraZeneca)
  2. Confronting AI's Ethical Dilemmas

    Frank Ferro (PostNL)
  3. Does it Work with AI?

    Kevin Heinloth (blu BEYOND)
    Alina Stahl (Vitesco Technologies)
  4. Generative AI: What We Can’t Do!

    Firas Ben Hassan (Allianz Technology)
  5. The Era of Unified Intelligence - BI meets AI

    Giuseppe Lenci (Van Oord)
  6. Impact of Data on Future C-Level Management: Accelerating Ahead

    Allan Andersen Christensen (DEAS Group)


Lunch with Networking


From AI Vision to AI Reality

Dennis Nilsson

Director, Head of Advanced Analytics and BI
Jyske Bank


GenAI: How to Methodically Introduce a Disruptive Technology

Jörg Ziemann

Lead Architect Data Analytics
Lufthansa Group


Daniel Stroh

Head of Digitalization and Finance
Firmengruppe APPL

From PoCs to Production: How to Build and Run Your AI Operating Platform

Luca Kühn

Manager ITC and AI Infrastructure
just experts


Coffee Break with Networking


From Idea to Solution with NLP and Generative AI

Fabian Bock

Director Data Science
DHL Group


Real Stories from the Trenches: Successes and Failures in Using Alternative Data

Konrad Kleinfeld

Investment Professional, Academic Tutor and Lecturer
Oxford University, CBS International Business School, ex‑Blackrock


Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. From AI Vision to AI Reality

    Dennis Nilsson (Jyske Bank)
  2. GenAI: How to Methodically Introduce a Disruptive Technology

    Jörg Ziemann (Lufthansa Group)
  3. From PoCs to Production: How to Build and Run Your AI Operating Platform

    Daniel Stroh (Firmengruppe APPL)
    Luca Kühn (just experts)
  4. From Idea to Solution with NLP and Generative AI

    Fabian Bock (DHL Group)
  5. Real Stories from the Trenches: Successes and Failures in Using Alternative Data

    Konrad Kleinfeld (Oxford University, CBS International Business School, ex‑Blackrock)

Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. From AI Vision to AI Reality

    Dennis Nilsson (Jyske Bank)
  2. GenAI: How to Methodically Introduce a Disruptive Technology

    Jörg Ziemann (Lufthansa Group)
  3. From PoCs to Production: How to Build and Run Your AI Operating Platform

    Daniel Stroh (Firmengruppe APPL)
    Luca Kühn (just experts)
  4. From Idea to Solution with NLP and Generative AI

    Fabian Bock (DHL Group)
  5. Real Stories from the Trenches: Successes and Failures in Using Alternative Data

    Konrad Kleinfeld (Oxford University, CBS International Business School, ex‑Blackrock)


End of the 1st Day with Summary

Summary of the First Day


Evening Reception with Sparkling Wine, Snacks and Networking

Engage in exciting conversations. Strengthen your network after a day full of knowledge sharing, groundbreaking presentations, and interesting conversations. Join delegates and speakers in the relaxed atmosphere of the event venue.


Introduction by the Organizer and Welcome to the Moderator of the Conference

Giuseppe Lenci

Business Intelligence Tech Lead
Van Oord
The Netherlands


Making AI Learn Quickly

Danko Nikolic

Chief Executive Officer
Robots Go Mental


Learn-by-Doing to Implement AI in Practice

Annemarie van 't Veen

Former Lead Data Science Digital Health
UMC Utrecht
The Netherlands


Coffee Break with Networking


Transformative Shift - Embracing Data Culture and Literacy in the Age of AI

Sigmund Piéch

Head of Strategic Data Management
Stiftung Kinder forschen


The AI Revolution - Strategic Innovation Driven by AI

Felix Laarmann

Senior Creative Technologist


Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Making AI Learn Quickly

    Danko Nikolic (Robots Go Mental)
  2. Learn-by-Doing to Implement AI in Practice

    Annemarie van 't Veen (UMC Utrecht)
  3. Transformative Shift - Embracing Data Culture and Literacy in the Age of AI

    Sigmund Piéch (Stiftung Kinder forschen)
  4. The AI Revolution - Strategic Innovation Driven by AI

    Felix Laarmann (HYVE)

Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Making AI Learn Quickly

    Danko Nikolic (Robots Go Mental)
  2. Learn-by-Doing to Implement AI in Practice

    Annemarie van 't Veen (UMC Utrecht)
  3. Transformative Shift - Embracing Data Culture and Literacy in the Age of AI

    Sigmund Piéch (Stiftung Kinder forschen)
  4. The AI Revolution - Strategic Innovation Driven by AI

    Felix Laarmann (HYVE)


Lunch with Networking


Data Dreams: How AI is Redesigning the Future of Medicine

Thibault Géoui

Head of Science Analytics
Charles River Laboratories


Navigating Generative AI: From Hype to Action

Sascha Dölker

Divisional Head Digitization
Deutsche WertpapierService Bank


From Hype to Reality: GenAI's Impact on the Consumer Goods Industry

Fotis Dimakis

Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Coca‑Cola Hellenic Bottling Company


Enhancing Trust: AI-driven Legal Entity Identification

Zornitsa Manolova

Head of Data Quality Management and Data Science
Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation


From Concept to Reality: Transforming Language Testing with 'Low Tech' AI

Matti Blume

Data Manager, Test Development


Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Data Dreams: How AI is Redesigning the Future of Medicine

    Thibault Géoui (Charles River Laboratories)
  2. Navigating Generative AI: From Hype to Action

    Sascha Dölker (Deutsche WertpapierService Bank)
  3. Enhancing Trust: AI-driven Legal Entity Identification

    Zornitsa Manolova (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation)
  4. From Concept to Reality: Transforming Language Testing with 'Low Tech' AI

    Matti Blume (Telc)

Engage with speakers in extended Q&A sessions to dive deeper into the topics:

  1. Data Dreams: How AI is Redesigning the Future of Medicine

    Thibault Géoui (Charles River Laboratories)
  2. Navigating Generative AI: From Hype to Action

    Sascha Dölker (Deutsche WertpapierService Bank)
  3. Enhancing Trust: AI-driven Legal Entity Identification

    Zornitsa Manolova (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation)
  4. From Concept to Reality: Transforming Language Testing with 'Low Tech' AI

    Matti Blume (Telc)


End of the Conference with Summary of all Streams

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  • 12 months of World Class Unlimited are included in any of the Conference Passes.

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