Ilgar Musabaliyev


General Manager at Digerati

Marketing and Advertising

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Agile Recruiting Cross-Cultural Management Digital Workplace Technologies Global HR Strategy HR Analytics
My Personal Interests
Cross-Cultural Management Global HR Strategy HR Transformation Digital Workplace Technologies Employee Engagement Strategies
My Job Priorities
Cross-Cultural Management Employee Engagement Strategies Employee Motivation Employee Value Proposition HR Development in Virtual / Globally Dispersed Workplaces

HR Marketing & Recruiting

Agile Recruiting

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Deployment & Retention

Corporate Health Management

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Employee Motivation

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

International HR

Cross-Cultural Management

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Global HR Strategy

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Workplace Transformation

Digital Workplace Technologies

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Development in Virtual / Globally Dispersed Workplaces

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Strategies

Employee Engagement Strategies

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Crisis Management

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Management of Change

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Transformation

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Performance & Metrics

Employee Value Proposition

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

HR Analytics

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities


Concentration on Core Business

Currently dealing with

Has experience with


Currently dealing with

Has experience with

International Expansion

Currently dealing with

Has experience with

Major Business Transformation

Currently dealing with

Has experience with

Market Entry of a New Competitor

Currently dealing with

Has experience with

Post Merger Integration

Currently dealing with

Has experience with


Currently dealing with

Has experience with


Currently dealing with

Has experience with


I'm responsible for a budget of 70000000 USD

I influence a budget of 70000000 USD

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in HR, Business & Corporate Strategy, and General Management.


Various companies &Industries

July 2004 - Present

CHRO, Head of HR


General Manager


General Manager


IE Business School

September 2015 - December 2016

MBA - Masters of Business Administration

Harvard Business School

March 2020 - August 2021

Strategy Execution - Expertise