Maria del Prado Cordoba


Change Management at CEPSA


Madrid, Spain

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Agile Migration Communication of IT Topics within the Organization Communication of IT Topics with the Board AI in the Internet of Things
My Personal Interests
Communication of IT Topics with the Board Communication of IT Topics within the Organization Agile Migration AI in the Internet of Things
My Job Priorities
Communication of IT Topics within the Organization Communication of IT Topics with the Board Agile Migration AI in the Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence

AI in the Internet of Things

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

IT Change / Project Management

Agile Migration

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Communication of IT Topics with the Board

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Communication of IT Topics within the Organization

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in Agile Migration, Communication of IT Topics within the Organization, Communication of IT Topics with the Board and I am most involved in Communication of IT Topics within the Organization, Communication of IT Topics with the Board, and Agile Migration.



August 2018 - Present

Digital Change and POsitioning


Change Management


Digital Change