Louise Toeroek


Responsable RSE at MOBILIS

Consumer Goods

Annency, France

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Maintaining and Strengthening the Market Position Market Analysis and Strategy Setting Market Segmentation and Differentiation Market-Driven Strategies Market-Driving Strategies
My Personal Interests
Business Analysis Continual Improvement General Management in Transformation Implementation and Strategy Realization Brand Leadership
My Job Priorities
Business Analysis Continual Improvement General Management in Transformation Implementation and Strategy Realization Maintaining and Strengthening the Market Position

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in Market Analysis and Strategy Setting, Maintaining and Strengthening the Market Position, Market Segmentation and Differentiation and I am most involved in Business Analysis, Continual Improvement, and General Management in Transformation.



Responsable RSE


CSR Manager


IAE Bordeaux

September 2023 - September 2024

CSR - Master CSR Management