Sabrina Colantoni


Group Brand Director at REHAU


Erlangen, Nurnberg , Germany

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Brand Engagement Brand Implementation Brand Strategy Co-Branding / Brand Partnerships Digital Branding
My Personal Interests
Brand Engagement Brand Implementation Brand Strategy Co-Branding / Brand Partnerships Digital Branding
My Job Priorities
Brand Engagement Brand Implementation Brand Strategy Co-Branding / Brand Partnerships Digital Branding

Brand Management

Brand Engagement

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Brand Implementation

My Knowledge Level
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My Job Priorities

Brand Strategy

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My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Co-Branding / Brand Partnerships

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Digital Branding

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My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Market Communications


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My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Affiliate Marketing

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My Job Priorities

Customer Portals

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Digital Marketing

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Direct Marketing

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Marketing Planning & Controlling

Competitive Analysis

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Marketing Automation

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Marketing Balanced Scorecard

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Marketing Key Performance Indicators

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Marketing Performance Management

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Contact Information

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Elevator Pitch

With over 25 years in marketing, I have worked in several countries (Europe and South America) and helped organizations thrive amid change, through strategic marketing and bold vision. What I do specifically is marketing and brand strategy and its execution, change management and resources allocation, horizon scanning for future-readiness.



Group Brand Director


Group Brand Director