Birgit Gahleitner


Circularity Expert at Fischer Brot GmbH

Food & Beverages

Puchenau, Austria

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Environmental Certification and Recognition Environmental Employee Training and Awareness Environmental Management Systems Quality Improvement Culture Strategy Implementation
My Personal Interests
Environmental Employee Training and Awareness Reduction of Water Use Strategy Implementation Sustainable Innovations Waste Minimization
My Job Priorities
Environmental Certification and Recognition Environmental Employee Training and Awareness Environmental Management Systems Reduction of Water Use Strategy Implementation

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in Environmental Employee Training and Awareness, Environmental Certification and Recognition, Environmental Management Systems and I am most involved in Environmental Employee Training and Awareness, Reduction of Water Use, and Strategy Implementation.


Fischer Brot GmbH

Circularity Expert