Marion Gillich


Head of Supplier Risk Management at Daimler Truck AG


Stuttgart, Germany

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Supply Chain Risk Assessment Supply Chain Risk Control Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Supply Chain Risk Prevention
My Personal Interests
Supply Chain Risk Assessment Supply Chain Risk Control Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Supply Chain Risk Prevention
My Job Priorities
Supply Chain Risk Assessment Supply Chain Risk Control Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Supply Chain Risk Prevention

Supply Chain Risk Management and Security

Supply Chain Risk Assessment

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Supply Chain Risk Control

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Supply Chain Risk Prevention

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities



Currently dealing with

Has experience with

Major Business Transformation

Currently dealing with

Has experience with


Currently dealing with

Has experience with

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in Supply Chain Risk Assessment, Supply Chain Risk Control, Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy and I am most involved in Supply Chain Risk Assessment, Supply Chain Risk Control, and Supply Chain Risk Management Strategy.


Daimler Truck AG

Head of Supplier Risk Management