Sarah Jane Jucker


Managing Partner at EPQ


Bergamo, Italy

  • Common
  • Vendor

My Knowledge Level
Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply Energy Contracting Energy Supply Energy Savings Awareness Creation Industry Collaboration to Improve Energy Efficiency
My Personal Interests
Energy Savings Awareness Creation Energy Supply Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply Energy Contracting Industry Collaboration to Improve Energy Efficiency
My Job Priorities
Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply Energy Supply Energy Contracting Energy Savings Awareness Creation Industry Collaboration to Improve Energy Efficiency

Energy Management

Energy Contracting

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Energy Savings Awareness Creation

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Energy Supply

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Industry Collaboration to Improve Energy Efficiency

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply

My Knowledge Level
My Personal Interests
My Job Priorities

Contact Information

There is no public contact information for this user.

Elevator Pitch

My expertise is in Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply, Energy Contracting, Energy Supply and I am most involved in Renewables as Corporate Energy Supply, Energy Supply, and Energy Savings Awareness Creation.



Managing Partner


Managing Partner


Managing Partner